After Generate EC2 instance

2023. 11. 18. 23:19Generate/EC2

In order to actually use the EC2 Instance, you need to be able to connect to the server based on public IPv4.

You downloaded the sparta_keypair.pem file when you were creating the EC2 Instance, you can find it in the Download directory in Ubuntu.

Check the sparta_keypair.pem

Based on the file, you are able to connect the server with SSH.

Command: ssh -i  < encoding key file > <user Id in the Server>@ <public IPv4 address>

                  ssh -i sparta_keypair.pem ubuntu@ <public IPv4 address>

@: The standard for isolating public IPv4 address.

command: yes

The chmod command is not working on the Windows OS.

So, I moved the .pem file to the Ubuntu system.

It's working the chmod command on the Ubuntu.

ssh -i sparta_keypair.pem ubuntu@ <public IPv4 address>

The command working on the Ubuntu.

So, I connected on the EC2 Instance.